Detail of cover illustration, London Review of Books, 14 May 2009.
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Many of the images reproduced on this website are from scans prepared and colour-corrected by Wings using Peter Campbell’s original illustrations as their source
Unless otherwise stated, the images shown on this website are the work of Peter Campbell
Cover art and other images reproduced here are copyright their respective publishers including
Faber & Faber
Hayward Gallery
Hearst Books
Hyphen Press
John Murray
London Review of Books
Musical Times
National Gallery
New Left Review
Profile Books
Weidenfeld and Nicholson
A great debt of gratitude is owed here to the London Review of Books. Peter wrote in his introduction to At…, a collection of his writing published in 2009 by Hyphen Press: ‘To have been asked to write, draw and design for the paper over the years has been my great, my absurd, good fortune.’ There is little doubt that he would have done notable work if he hadn’t been kept occupied there – projects fell by the wayside – but he probably would have been less productive. He wrote over three hundred pieces – more than half a million words – for the paper. At the LRB the cover is given the same serious attention as the content, so for each of Peter’s more-than-400 published covers, he was obliged (only a bit grumblingly) to supply two or three times as many images. These will make up much of this archive.